Asked whether such deliberate misinformation would undermine the
market’s confidence in future euro-zone pronouncements, Mr. Schuller, lamenting
that the market had practically no confidence in pronouncements already, said
“not at all.”
When Mr. Juncker, or European Central Bank President Jean-Claude
Trichet, or French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde says something to the
markets, Mr. Schuller said, “nobody seems to believe it.”
Mr. Juncker has voiced support for the practice of lying before.
The Web site EUobserver has video of Mr. Juncker, at a conference on
economic governance in April, expounding on the practice and reasons for lying
in financial and economic communications.
Asked whether such deliberate misinformation would undermine the market’s confidence in future euro-zone pronouncements, Mr. Schuller, lamenting that the market had practically no confidence in pronouncements already, said “not at all.”
Asked whether such deliberate misinformation would undermine the market’s confidence in future euro-zone pronouncements, Mr. Schuller, lamenting that the market had practically no confidence in pronouncements already, said “not at all.”
When Mr. Juncker, or European Central Bank President Jean-Claude
Trichet, or French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde says something to the
markets, Mr. Schuller said, “nobody seems to believe it.”
Mr. Juncker has voiced support for the practice of lying before.
The Web site EUobserver has video of Mr. Juncker, at a conference on economic
governance in April, expounding on the practice and reasons for lying in
financial and economic communications.
On the tape, Mr. Juncker says he has “had to lie” and, speaking about
touchy economic topics, “When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”
At this point Europe no longer even attempts to hide that everything is
one big lie, and that should the truth emerge the market will crash more than
ever in history. And why would the US be any different? It woulnd't which is
why we can now safely say that pretty much any information coming out from the
government and its proxies that has a stock market impact is false until proven
true. Of course, for everything else, one can blame the conspiratorial blogs...
πηγή: zerohedge
συμπέρασμα: το πράγμα σοβάρεψε
απορία: πως και δεν τον κατάλαβε ο Σταυράκης ο Ποτάμης, που είναι (μεταξύ άλλων και) μεγάλη γάτα
Α, και κάτι τελευταίο απ'τον μεγάλο φιλέλληνα:
ReplyDeleteΥποταγή είναι η χρεοκοπία και η έξοδος από το ευρώ, όταν θα έρχονται οι Γερμανοί για διακοπές και με 5 ευρώ θα σου παίρνουν και τα σώβρακα.
ενώ τώρα, που είμαστε ακόμη μέσα στο ευρώ, κολυμπάμε σε μια θάλασσα περηφάνειας....
ReplyDeleteεσύ μπερδεύεσαι φίλε μου...υποταγή και μεγάλη κατάντια είναι να δηλώνει ένας λαός ευθαρσώς.."ευρώ ΠΑΣΗ ΘΥΣΙΑ"...
Έχεις καταθέσεις σε ευρώ σε τράπεζα του εξωτερικού;
ReplyDeleteΉ μάλλον: Έχεις καταθέσεις σε ευρώ σε τράπεζα του εξωτερικού.
Ψηφίζεις Άδωνι (ή τον Σταυράκη του Μπόμπολα) και ενημερώνεσαι απ'το mega?
DeleteΉ μάλλον: Ψηφίζεις Άδωνι (ή τον Σταυράκη του Μπόμπολα) και ενημερώνεσαι απ'το mega.
Πόση ανοησία να αντέξει κανείς.
ReplyDeleteΔεν πειράζει, η δημοσιοϋπαλληλική σου νοοτροπία άλλωστε κάνει μπαμ από χιλιόμετρα.